Who Should or Shouldn't Wear Black Onyx Jewelry?

If you are looking for something to make you more grounded, calmer, happier and maybe get more luck in your life, the stone ofblack onyx may be one of the ideal crystals for you.

Over time and across cultures, black onyx has been a favorite gemstone for most people who can't help but sing praises for this stone. Therefore, it is very easy for everyone to want to buy a bracelet made of the best black onyx. But should you?

Well, before ordering yourbracelet or yournecklace in black onyx, you can take a step back to think about whether or not this stone is right for you. While it suits most people, it doesn't always bring all the good sides to everyone.

In this article, we'll walk you through the basics and magic of black onyx and also share ideas on who should or shouldn't wear black onyx. So let's go !


Qui devrait ou ne devrait pas porter des bijoux en onyx noir ?

 Bracelets perle homme Santa Muerte


What is fascinating about the black onyx stone is that it is believed to have the power to improve your overall well-being and make your life enjoyable in all areas.


What you need to know about black onyx or onyx, in general, is that this stone is a type of microcrystalline quartz, and its presence and use are not new.

It is one of the crystals that has been present throughout history, with Cappadocia in Turkey being known to have the highest concentration of onyx.

bracelet perle homme tete de mort

Bracelet perle homme Dark night par Santa Muerte

Therefore, the Turks were the first major users of this stone, and they believed that the onyx stone had the power to protect whoever wore it from all kinds of harm.

And in the Encyclopedia of Gemstones, onyx is a stone that is associated with strength and is considered a powerful grounding stone. Not only does it get rid of negative and intrusive thoughts, but it can also sharpen your mind if you wear it.

 Qui devrait ou ne devrait pas porter des bijoux en onyx noir ?


Black onyx is also said to improve focus and devotion in the wearer, while increasing confidence levels and reducing stress.

Black onyx forms in volcanic lava in gaseous cavities. But it has multiple origins, and several stories confirm this, although these stories may vary from culture to culture.


bracelet perle homme tete de mort

Bracelet perle homme Rosa par Santa Muerte

In astrology, for example, black onyx is believed to be a protective stone that is under the rule of Saturn and Mars. It is the birthstone of the zodiac sign Leo, and the specialty of this stone is to bring authority and structure to the wearer, although it prevents conflict while offering protection against negativity.

Qui devrait ou ne devrait pas porter des bijoux en onyx noir ?

So who can wear black onyx and who shouldn't ?

It's important that you keep this question in mind when buying crystals or any other recommended items because what works for them may not work for you - think of it this way - that outfit that suits them so well may not suit you as well.


bracelet perles onyx

Bracelet en onyx noir mat par Santa Muerte


It is therefore important to understand the specifics of the stone - think about your temperament, your mental state and your health, and even your zodiac sign. These are things that can affect how black onyx or any other crystal will be worn.

Also note that the quality and color of black onyx may differ, and some are better for some people, some are not.

bracelet en perles d'onyx

Bracelet en perles d'onyx par Santa Muerte

Who Should Wear Black Onyx ?

Zodiac Signs - Black onyx and other versions of the onyx stone can be worn by people with the zodiac sign of Virgo. Indeed, onyx and this zodiac sign are linked in the world of astrology and if a Virgo wears onyx, they will have more luck, money and happiness. The stone also eliminates feelings of negativity in such people. Other zodiac signs that benefit from black onyx are Capricorns and Leos.

The Practical Person - Due to its trigonal crystal system, Black Onyx is ideal for the practical person, who is ideally the kind of person who lives their life by the laws of simplicity. And instead of living the kind of life that is surrounded by problems, they avoid problems by creating a clear path that allows them to achieve their goals. They are also involved on a daily basis.

In other words, if you're one of the lucky people who's had a mostly problem-free life and you need to get the most out of your life, and you've probably never had mental health issues at manage, then black onyx is the perfect stone for you.

bracelet onyxBracelet en onyx Santa Muerte

Who shouldn't wear black onyx ?


People with Emotional Trauma - Black Onyx is one of the most powerful stones or crystals in astrology, and is highly valued in many ancient and modern cultures. It is one of the most powerful stones of protection and grounding which is also said to improve your intuition and make you better while protecting you from negativity and dangerous situations. However, if you have experienced trauma in the past, this stone can bring up thoughts and feelings associated with that trauma.

Gemini - according to astrology, Gemini should not wear black onyx as it creates adverse effects in the Gemini who wears it. Other signs can try the stone, but only on a 3-day basis to determine if it's a perfect fit for them.


Depression and loneliness - some say that people who struggle with depression and loneliness should be careful when dealing with black onyx as it can make them feel even more alienated.

bracelet onyx noirBracelet en onyx noir 


While black onyx has the power to make you more intuitive, have more courage, change bad habits, and provide an overall sense of protection, it's not for everyone, especially Gemini.

You also want to try onyx for a few days at a time to know and feel its effects and suitability.

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