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Crows and Death:Myths, Symbols and Intelligence | Santa Muerte

Crows and Death:An Exploration of Myths and Realities

Ravens, black birds with bright plumage, have long been associated with complex and mysterious symbols in various cultures around the world. One of the most enduring associations is that between crows and death. This connection has been shaped by myths, popular beliefs, and even the biology of these fascinating birds. In this article, we'll delve into history and culture to understand why crows are often linked to death.

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The Myth and the Legend

The myth of ravens in Norse mythology offers an intriguing perspective on the association between these birds and death. In this tradition, the ravens Huginn, who symbolizes thought, and Muninn, representing memory, were the faithful companions of Odin, the powerful god of wisdom and war. According to legendary accounts, these ravens tirelessly traveled the world, observing and listening, then returning to Odin to report the events and news they had collected.

This incessant quest for information by crows makes them messengers between the kingdom of men and that of the gods. Their ability to travel between these two worlds gives ravens a mystical aura, elevating them to the status of guides to the afterlife. In this mythology, ravens are not just ordinary birds, but beings with a deep understanding of the mysteries of life and death.

Similarly, in Native American beliefs, ravens play a significant spiritual role. They are often seen as mystical creatures capable of navigating the boundaries of the world of the living and the dead. The raven is sometimes considered a mediator between these two realms, capable of transmitting messages and spirits between the two sides of the veil.

This spiritual conception of crows is often supported by shamanic rituals and traditions that emphasize the deep connection between these black birds and the spiritual world. Their silent flight and presence at key moments, such as funeral rites, reinforce the idea that ravens act as intermediaries between life and death.

Thus, in these two great mythological traditions, ravens transcend their animal nature to become entities carrying sacred messages, connecting mortals to the unknown and to the transition between life and death. These myths, rich in symbolism, helped shape the image of ravens as mystical guides to realms beyond our ordinary understanding.

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Cultural Symbolism

The cultural symbolism associated with ravens in relation to death extends beyond myth and encompasses observations of the natural behavior of these birds. A significant part of this association stems from their scavenging penchant, meaning they often feed on corpses and carrion. This trend created an immediate connection between crows and the process of decomposition, thus reinforcing their image as symbols of death.

When we observe crows in their natural habitat, we see that they are often present in the vicinity of animal carcasses. Their ability to find food in these situations has historically linked them to the scene of death and putrefaction. This proximity to corpses helped shape the popular imagination, evoking dark images of decomposition and finitude.

In some Asian cultures, this association between crows and death is further reinforced by deep-rooted beliefs and superstitions. Ravens are sometimes seen as guides of departed souls to the afterlife. Their silent flight adds a mysterious dimension to their image, reinforcing the idea that they operate in spheres beyond human understanding. Additionally, their propensity to gather around battlefields in these cultures contributed to their being seen as messengers of death, symbolizing tragedy and passage to the afterlife.

These symbolic attributes are not limited to a single culture, but transcend geographical boundaries, emphasizing the universal power of the imagery of ravens as attendants of death. This deep connection between ravens and decay, coupled with cultural beliefs, has shaped a common perception of ravens as enigmatic creatures linked to the transition from life to death, thereby embodying the duality of life and ending.

Biology and Intelligence

The biology of ravens, characterized by their remarkable intelligence, contributed greatly to forging their association with death. Among raven species, black ravens and crows stand out for their exceptional cognitive ability. Their relatively large brains relative to their body Size , as well as their neural complexity, are indicators of their superior intelligence among birds.

These birds are not only capable of learning, but they also demonstrate an astonishing ability to solve complex problems. Scientific studies have shown that crows can use tools, plan strategies to obtain food, and even solve puzzles. Their social intelligence is also remarkable, as they can interact in complex ways with other members of their species and even other animals.

It is this exceptional intelligence that has captivated the human imagination and fueled the idea that they might have a profound understanding of death. Their wily behavior, combined with their ability to adapt to diverse environments, contributed to the development of beliefs that crows may be insightful observers of the cycle of life and death.

In some cultures, this intelligence has been interpreted as a special sensitivity toward the mysteries of existence, including death. Ravens, with their ability to understand complex concepts, are often seen as creatures that can transcend the limits of ordinary understanding, perhaps even grasping the nuances of death.

In sum, ravens' remarkable biology, advanced intelligence, and ability to solve complex problems have played a crucial role in shaping their image as birds with a deep, even mystical, understanding of death. This perception reinforces the idea that ravens are not just passive spectators of the cycle of life, but active participants, perhaps understanding aspects of existence that escape our own understanding.


The association between ravens and death is deeply rooted in history, mythology and biology. These mysterious birds have captivated the human imagination, serving as messengers between worlds, spirit guides and even ominous omens. While science has dispelled some superstitions, the mystical aura of ravens persists, maintaining them as ambivalent symbols, both dark and fascinating, in our collective understanding.

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