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the biker ring | Santa Muerte

the biker ring

What is a biker ring?

Being a biker is not just a hobby. It's a lifestyle with its own culture. It goes beyond just riding a motorcycle. Everything about bikers has a meaning or reason, from the way they dress to their accessories and especially their biker rings.

But what is a biker ring? Where do they come from? What do they mean and why do bikers wear them? If you have considered getting one and are asking these questions, you are in the right place to find answers.

In this article, we will share with you the essentials of what you need to know about biker rings. We will also share tips to guide you in choosing your ring.

These are metal rings. Initially, the rings were made of metals like brass, bronze, or nickel with a yellow tint. Today, most rings are made of silver, steel, or pewter; it is rare to find pieces in brass or bronze. This is mainly because silver blends well with the rest of the biker's gear.


skull ring

What is the biker ring?

Moreover, silver is cheap and requires less maintenance, unlike brass which needed constant polishing every time it tarnished. Another good alternative to silver is stainless steel. It is not as precious as silver, but it blends well with the monochrome of biker gear. Occasionally, a biker might boast of having a gold biker ring, but this is rare as the yellow clashes with the rest of the biker's colors.

The general theme is large and elaborate. This is because originally, they were worn by large male bikers. In terms of designs, there are different themes in which the rings are curved. The most common themes are freedom, with eagles, wings, or wheels, among others. Another common theme is death, which includes, among others, skulls, skeletons, snakes, or Aztec warriors.

If you are more gothic, you can opt for knights, daggers, dragons, or crowns. The general idea of these themes is that they are related to motorcycles, riding, and death.


biker ring


Meaning of the biker ring.


Biker rings are not just accessories for bikers; they are a means of self-expression. Through these rings, bikers can communicate to the world who they are without saying a word. The rings also communicate the beliefs and values of bikers. As such, biker rings have strong symbolism and are important in biker culture.


What is a biker ring?

To begin with, biker rings are a representation of bikers' superstitions about the universe and things like death, the afterlife, and karma. Bikers believe that certain symbols on their rings bring them luck, protect them from danger, or even ward off death. The skull, for example, is a highly revered symbol in biker culture. It represents life and immortality and is believed to ward off death and ensure the safety of bikers during their travels. Other symbols, like the number 7, a horseshoe, dragons, or totem animals, are believed to bring luck to bikers.

The rings also represent the spirituality of bikers. They express their faith or paganism. Often, a cross on a biker's ring shows that he is a Christian. For some, even the skull is considered a Christian symbol representing Adam's head. Therefore, while it is not orthodox to combine a skull and a cross, it is not taboo for bikers.

Bikers also use rings to express their love of freedom and their enthusiasm for danger. The rings communicate their worldview, which is that life is meant to be exciting and not filled with worries. If you think about it, motorcycles are more dangerous than cars, but they give you unprecedented freedom to fulfill your deepest desires without fear. Biker rings with symbols like eagles and wings are a good representation of this.

History of the biker ring.
What is a biker ring?

It is said that biker rings originated in Mexico when pesos lost their value due to the Mexican revolution. As a result, Mexican blacksmiths melted them down and made rings and other jewelry. These rings became very popular among Mexican bikers and were called Mexican biker rings.

In the 1940s, these rings were discovered by American bikers who traveled to the border several times. It was around the same time that brass knuckles, which were popularly worn by bikers, became illegal in the United States. Since Mexican biker rings resembled brass knuckles, they became very popular and sought after by American bikers as well. They were considered the legal version of brass knuckles. Soon, the love for biker rings spread beyond the biker community to the rest of the world. Celebrities like Elvis Presley began to be seen with these rings, and people around the world started collecting them.

Initially, the designs of the rings were not very elaborate. Symbols like horseshoes, skulls, anchors, and Indian chief heads were often seen. The rings were also mainly made of brass. In the past, the rings were made in large sizes because the majority of bikers were large men. Today, you don't need to have big fingers to wear one of these biker rings, but it takes some time to get used to the bulk.

Why do bikers wear rings?


As we have already mentioned, biker rings are more than just an accessory for bikers. They have significant meaning for them, which is the main reason why they wear them. Additionally, here are other reasons why bikers wear these rings:

It is part of the biker fashion style.

What is the biker ring?

Bikers have a particular sense of fashion that many admire. It mainly consists of leather clothing and metal accessories, with the centerpiece being the metal biker ring. The main idea of their style is to appear fearless and menacing. They want to inspire fear in onlookers and express their love for their machine. Large and elaborate biker rings help bring out this appeal, which is why they are necessary to complete a biker's look.

It is a form of expression.

As we have mentioned, bikers express who they are through their rings. The rings not only express their personality but also represent what they stand for, their worldview, and their superstitions. The rings are also an expression of the biker's faith. They indicate whether they believe in God or not.

They help personalize a biker's style.

Although there is a unified style for bikers, each biker is an individual with different preferences. The biker ring is an excellent way to express these preferences and own your own biker style. You can add a bit of your personality to the mix depending on the symbols you choose to wear on the rings. Aggressive bikers, who love violence, for example, will often be spotted wearing skulls, snakes, or Aztec warrior rings.

It is a great way to start a conversation.

Given their elaborate designs, biker rings are statement pieces that easily attract people's attention. They are therefore a great way to start a conversation. Some may compliment your ring or ask you the meaning of the symbol or where you bought it. So, if you are ever at a loss for words, you can count on your biker ring.

On which fingers do bikers wear their rings?


When it comes to rings, there are many unspoken rules in society for wearing them. For example, there is a rule that you cannot wear more than 2 or 3 rings on both hands, including wedding rings. Some also believe that the most active hand is meant for work and the inactive hand is where jewelry should be worn.

As for men, most of them wear their rings on the thumb, index finger, or pinky, except for the wedding ring worn on the left ring finger.

When it comes to biker rings, however, all these rules do not apply. The biker culture is anything but conservative, so there is no single rule.

You can sometimes find bikers wearing rings on all their fingers on both hands. Others may wear three or four rings per hand, while some choose to wear one or two rings at a time.

It's all a matter of preference for bikers when it comes to wearing their rings. The meaning and importance of the ring for the biker are what guide how it is worn.

Advice for buying a biker ring.


As with buying any accessory, there are many things to consider when purchasing a biker ring. Therefore, the buying process can sometimes be difficult. Here are some tips to help you buy the biker ring that suits you:

1. Consider your ring size.
Just because most biker rings come in large sizes doesn't mean you can't find one for yourself if you are of average build.

All you have to do is take the time to carefully look at the choices available to you. 

You need to ensure that the ring you choose is not only beautiful but also perfectly fitted and comfortable despite its weight.

Choose the theme you prefer.
You will often find bikers wearing skull symbols, from their jacket to their ring. Sometimes, they even get it tattooed on their body.

This does not mean that the skull is the ultimate biker symbol. If you don't like skulls, you can choose other themes for your rings.

There are other less brutal options like an eagle, wings, a cross, or a horseshoe, considered lucky.

There you have it, everything you need to know about biker rings. If you are considering getting one, keep in mind the tips we have shared with you. Remember that the ring is an expression of your biker identity, so your preference is what matters most.

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