Can you wear lava beads in the shower?

Can you wear lava beads in the shower? Wearing them in the shower can damage the lava beads depending on

  1. the water temperature: The duration of the shower
  2. The degree of impregnation of the lava beads
  3. The way they are handled
  4. The detergents used
  5. Quality of the lava beads
  6. Waxed or not

With the short answer, we now know that it is very likely possible to wear lava beads in the shower, but it depends on a few other factors.


Lava stone bracelet by Santa Muerte
Lava stone bracelet by Santa Muerte

To more easily understand whether it is unlikely or more likely to damage the lava beads if you wear them in the shower, let's start by discovering a little more about the composition of lava beads.


Lava beads are porous

This means that they are pierced with a large number of small holes, which allows them to more easily absorb liquids, such as those from a bath or shower.

This porous texture can cause your lava beads to become wet when you wear them in the shower.

Indeed, in the same way that the tiny pores absorb essential oils, they also absorb water when they are under running water, as is the case during your morning shower.


What happens if you wear lava beads in the shower?

The most obvious thing you can expect when wearing lava bead jewelry in the shower is that they will get wet.

However, just because this happens does not necessarily mean that your necklace or bracelet will be damaged when you wear it in the shower.

Do lava beads get damaged when I wear them in the shower?

The extent to which lava beads can be damaged when you wear them in the shower depends on many factors.

First of all, it is important to remember that the texture of lava beads is porous and therefore has very fragile absorption properties.

Keeping this in mind, below are different factors that will determine whether lava beads can be damaged when you wear them in the shower. Let's find out more below.

The duration for which the lava beads are in the shower

Depending on how long you wear the lava beads in the shower, the possibility of them being damaged can vary.

As it may seem obvious, the longer you wear them, the more the beads will be exposed to water and the more they will be damaged. So, if you like to take very long showers, your beads may lose their effectiveness.

On the other hand, even if you like very long showers, if you minimize contact with your lava beads, everything should be fine.

It is easier to do this with bracelets than with necklaces, which can be directly under the water jet.

In general, if you take a standard morning shower, your lava beads will not pose any problem.

However, as a precaution, make sure to dry them by patting them as soon as you get out of the shower to prevent them from absorbing too much water. Over time, they could break or lose their effectiveness.

Lava stone bracelet by Santa MuerteCatacomb Bracelet by Santa Muerte


The degree of soaking

If your shower ends up soaking the lava beads for too long in the water, it can damage them.

As the lava beads absorb water through the pores, they become soaked and heavier, which causes the main type of damage to your beads, namely that the elastic or other fasteners that hold your lava beads together give way or break more easily.

This can often happen when you take a long bath, where you tend to spend more time relaxing than in the shower.

"If, in the shower, the lava beads are too immersed in water, they risk being damaged.


How are your beads treated in the shower?

Sometimes, when you enjoy a long shower, you may use some sort of exfoliating brush, a loofah, or another type of brush to scrub your body during the shower.

Be sure not to mix your lava beads with the scrubbing party! Rough handling when you scrub and move your hands during the shower can damage your lava beads.

Rough handling can easily break the lava beads or even detach them from your bracelet.

Can your shower gel or shampoo be used safely on your lava beads when you are in the shower? .


Detergents used during the bath

The detergents you use in the shower and their level of toxicity can potentially damage the lava beads.

As you can guess, harsh chemicals and high toxicity can easily break the soft and airy texture of good quality lava beads.

Even if this does not necessarily damage or break your lava beads, it will most certainly affect the color and quality of your lava beads.

Is the quality of the lava beads therefore an element to consider in the shower?


Quality of the lava beads

In general, good quality lava beads have more pores and are soft, airy, and light. This means that the better the quality of the beads, the more likely they are to be damaged by heavy exposure to water falls.

On the other hand, as you can guess, lower quality lava beads can be much more solid and heavy, which allows them to withstand water exposure longer, strangely, than better quality lava beads.

So, it is a double-edged sword for quality. In summary, the quality of your beads, whether they are real lava beads or factory-prepared beads, can have the effect of strengthening or reducing protection in the shower!

If the lava beads are waxed

Real and better quality lava beads are generally waxed. When they are waxed, it is easier to resist the type of water fall you would get under your daily shower.

However, the wax layer can be removed if you really want to turn up the heat and enjoy a very hot shower.

Very hot showers can also change the color of the beads and, eventually, affect their ability to absorb your favorite essential oil blends.

The wax layer can be removed if you like to turn up the heat and enjoy a very hot shower.

Our best advice is to only wear your lava jewelry in the shower if you use mild detergents and take a quick, lukewarm shower.

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